USCCCSV Silicon Valley Business Visit

US China Chamber of Commerce Silicon Valley started Silicon Valley Business Visit from Sep 2019. Encouraging members inviting other members and business leaders to visit their business, share the investment and collaboration ideas. This has become a monthly flagship event of US China Chamber of Commerce Silicon Valley.
We created a unique opportunity to explore Business and Technology Trends, meet entrepreneurs and innovators. Discover why Silicon Valley is like no other innovation hub in the world.
US China Chamber of Commerce Silicon Valley members can apply to become an organizer through membership chair Sandy Wang (, Tel: 408-220-3099). The organizer will provide lunch or finger food. Chamber will support $100 to the organizer after the event. We encourage Silicon Valley Business Visit to be held during the lunchtime Monday through Friday for one hour. Chamber Members can also choose another day or different time as long as it’s convenient for other members to attend. Non-members are welcome to join the event but have to become a member to organize a visit.
The visit will start with a short welcome speech by US China Chamber of Commerce Silicon Valley (no longer than 2 minutes) can be given by the president, vice president or a board member of Chamber. The member organizer will give an introduction of their business, service or product (Within 20 minutes). The network and interaction will be 30 minutes and longer for attendees to know each other and make friends. We do not encourage attendees and nonmembers to promote their business by distributing flyers or making an announcement unless arranged by Chamber. Please follow the rules.
This is the most popular event of US China Chamber of Commerce Silicon Valley, members need to sign up as organizers at least 6 months ahead of time. Seats are usually limited for Attendees according to the venue, early registration online is strongly required.